Our classes

Book a Class

Check out our calendar to find the best class for you or read on below to find out more about each of our classes before choosing. If in doubt about what class would be suitable then please just get in touch!

If you need any help with the booking system please see our helpful instructions here.

New to Reformer Class

Well done for trying out Refomer Pilates. That’s the first step, trying something new. You will be introduced to the Reformer and the parts. This includes the footbar, springs, seat and loops. You will be amazed at how many different exercises we will do. Expect some exercises that you will find familiar but you will absolutely be introduced to exercises that might take you out of your comfort zone.

Reformer Class

If you are familiar with the Reformer and exercise types this class will build on your strength and improve your muscle tone. There will layers of progression to ensure you get the most out of each session.