Cancellation Policy

Your booking will secure your class. Our system during our soft launch will allow one class booking a day to ensure this is a fair approach to booking. When you arrive please pop your trainers/shoes in the storage unit at the entrance and arrive 5/10 minutes before class. The door to the studio will be locked during every class so we recommend you don't arrive too early. 

If you have booked your class and for some reason you can't make it please cancel at least 24 hours prior to your class time. This allows for someone else to book in your place. All bookings and cancellations must be done through the booking system and not through email or social media. 

If you have booked a class and fail to cancel at least 24 hours in advance you will automatically be charged for the missed class. This will be non refundable. This policy is in place to ensure everyone has the best opportunity to attend. Given we have limited classes for a few weeks we want to avoid non attendance and others missing out. 

Pregnancy Clause

If you are expecting, congratulations on your new arrival. Please ensure you notify your instructor about your pregnancy and if there is anything we should be aware of. Modifications will be made however it is your own responsibility to assess your own physical condition and limitations that may pose a risk to you and baby. 

During your first 12 weeks it’s recommended that you focus on gentle and moderate activity during this exciting time. Please ensure your advise your instructor of any changes during your pregnancy. 

The studio reserves the right to cancel a membership of any client who is expecting if it’s deemed reformer pilates classes present a risk to the client and/or child.